Bancor Update — Week of December 18, 2022

2 min readDec 20, 2022


As everyone prepares for the holidays and a fast approaching 2023, contributors are hard at work preparing for the launch of Carbon. Carbon Milestones was recently released and highlights major milestones in the development of the first product under the Bancor umbrella. The Patent, Simulator, Litepaper, and Whitepaper milestones have been met so far with more on the way. Please note these are being developed in parallel paths and are presented in no particular order. As development progresses, additional updates will be provided.

Smart Contracts

  • infrastructure is complete including support for tenderly deployments.
  • strategy creation is complete, including strategy NFT creation (no fee logic yet).
  • significant progress was made in trading on strategies, including gas optimizations.


  • support the option to create, view and manage your carbon strategies.
  • support the option to trade against existing strategies.
  • charts and supporting visuals. Some of this requires an active API.

SDK (Software Development Kit)

  • create an easy way to digest blockchain data and provide answers to the above.

Tech docs

  • explaining our code and contracts for developers and future integrations.

Analytics site

  • Carbon data dashboard.


  • A database to store and provide historical data for users.

External Data Endpoints

  • Creation of a set of data APIs to ensure Carbon is well reported (CMC and CoinGecko for example)

Security Audits

DAO Vote Approval for Carbon to go live

In addition to the release of Carbon Milestones, ongoing educational initiatives continue. On the community front, multiple Twitter Spaces and DAO Discussions are happening live, in addition to bi-weekly Community Calls, and always made available for viewing after on the Bancor YouTube.

In governance, a recent Proposal: Rescue any available value from protocol owned renBTC in V3 just passed and marks an exciting win for the protocol! A total of 955,562.645520832432626957 BNT has been burned!

To learn more and stay up to date on all Carbon related matters:

Looking to integrate Carbon? Contact us at or via Bancor Discord.

Enjoy the holidays and Happy New Year!




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