How to Stake XinFin (XDCE) on Bancor & Earn Trading Fees

5 min readMay 7, 2020

Any user can add liquidity to the XinFin liquidity pool on Bancor and earn fees from XDCE trades.

When staking, users add liquidity to the XDCE pool with an equal value of XDCE and BNT and receive XDCEBNT Pool Tokens (ERC20) that generate income from trading fees.

It is not necessary to hold both XDCE and BNT to stake. Users have the option to add liquidity with just one of the tokens, ETH or any ERC20 via’s “earn” interface. This method automatically splits your token into BNT + XDCE in the pool.

As liquidity in the pool grows, it attracts more volume and generates fees which increase the price of XDCEBNT. You can always remove liquidity by selling your Pool Tokens back to the pool contract in order to realize gains.

This post covers how to:

Trade XDCE on Bancor.Network

  1. Go to Bancor.Network

2. Search for XDCE

3. Convert ETH (or any token on Bancor) for XDCE

Add Liquidity to the XDCE pool on 1inch

  1. Go to and search for XDCE

2. Add liquidity to the XDCE pool

Staking Option 1 — With 2 assets (XDCE and BNT)

To stake with both XDCE and BNT, you’ll need to hold both in your wallet.

Click the + symbol to add liquidity.

1inch will connect to your wallet and automatically calculate how much BNT and XDCE needs to be added to the pool depending on the amount of Pool tokens you set for minting.

Unlock BNT and XDCE, approve the transactions and then click “Provide liquidity”.

You are now holding XDCEBNT and will accrue fees from XDCE trades on Bancor.

Staking Option 2—With a single asset (ETH or any ERC20 token)

You do not need to hold XDCE or BNT to add liquidity to the XDCE pool.

You can stake using ETH or any ERC20 by selecting the “Use one asset” option in the “Provide liquidity” widget.

If you select this option, 1inch will automatically add both XDCE and BNT to the pool in equal amounts, no matter which asset you choose to stake.

Once you have selected which assets to stake, click “Provide liquidity” to receive your XDCEBNT pool tokens that will accrue fees from XDCE trades on Bancor.

3. Track the XDCE pool on ZumZoom

ZumZoom allows you to track the profits of the XDCE liquidity pool over time.

In order to understand ZumZoom metrics, it is important to first understand that most Bancor Pool Tokens are effectively a 50/50 hold of two tokens held in the pool’s reserves plus trading fees.

As such, two key metrics are:

  • Hodl 50/50: % profit of holding XDCEBNT vs. holding its underlying assets, BNT and XDCE, 50/50 on their own.
  • Hodl Token: % profit of holding XDCEBNT vs. holding XDCE on its own.

Below is ZumZoom’s Hodl 50/50 graph for the XDCE Pool Token (XDCEBNT):

Pool Token metrics on ZumZoom:

In the graph above, “impermanent loss” refers to losses that arise from volatility in the trading pair. The 50/50 Hodl metric takes these losses into account, and so long as accumulated trading fees are greater than any impermanent loss, the Pool Token holder profits.

With ZumZoom, you can also see a breakdown of users staking liquidity in the XDCE pool:

A breakdown of users providing liquidity to the XDCE pool on Bancor.

As of this writing, there are only a few users staking in the XDCE pool, so what are you waiting for?

About XinFin

eXchange inFinite (XinFin), is a Delegated Proof of Stake Consensus network (DPoS), enabling Hybrid Relay Bridges, Instant Block Finality and Interoperability with ISO20022 messaging standards, making XinFin’s Hybrid Architecture Developer friendly.

The XDC token is the underlying utility token that powers XinFin’s Hybrid Blockchain. The XDC token acts as a settlement mechanism for DApps built on the XinFin Hybrid Blockchain. XinFin has also launched an Ethereum token called XDCE that can be traded with XDC utility token at a 1:1 ratio. This gives the token holder flexibility to hold tokens in either form for utility.

To date, use cases built around XinFin’s XDC utility token are: MyContract, TradeFinex, Kramaa, Land Registry, iFactor, Blockdegree and TurantPay.

About Bancor

Bancor is an on-chain liquidity protocol that enables automated, decentralized exchange on Ethereum and across blockchains. The protocol is made up of a series of smart contracts designed to pool liquidity and perform peer-to-contract trades in a single transaction with no counterparty. Users add liquidity to automated market makers in exchange for trading fees, BNT staking rewards and voting rights in the Bancor DAO. Since 2017, Bancor has processed billions in trade volume across thousands of tokens, with millions in fees generated by liquidity providers.




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