Understanding and Navigating Bancor Protocol Analytics Dashboard

4 min readAug 12, 2022


To make protocol analytics more easily available for the community to monitor protocol health and make data-driven DAO decisions, the Protocol analytics dashboard has been released in addition to the existing Dune Analytics.

Read on for the dashboard explainer; or simply check out the video guide below.


As mentioned above, the highly requested dashboard is to make protocol analytics more easily available for the community to monitor protocol health. Anyone can track network health in near real-time to help them make informed decisions including the protocol users and the DAO.

While Dune remains a popular platform, the fully customisable dashboard is a better way of data visualization to allow building on top of it quite easily with Tableau’s JS API. It also makes it plug into our own source of data more easily than with Dune, allowing near real-time data.

What information to look at

“Network Health” is often referred to the few most common key KPIs in DeFi, e.g. TVL, Trading Liquidity, Trading Fees Earned, etc. While specifically on Bancor, there are: Surplus/Deficit, Bancor v2.1 vs Bancor v3.

Below is a list of available information on the new dashboard so far:

  • Daily Trading Liquidity over time for Bancor v3
  • Daily Volume over time for Bancor v2.1 and Bancor v3
  • Daily Average Size per trade over time for Bancor v3
  • Daily Fees over time for Bancor v2.1 and Bancor v3
  • Daily Average Fees per trade over time for Bancor v3
  • Daily Trade Count over time for Bancor v3
  • Daily Spot and EMA rate over time from Bancor v3
  • Daily Surplus/Deficit in $ and % over time for Bancor v3
  • Price Impact distribution of Bancor v3 trades
  • Daily Withdrawals in $ and number over time for Bancor v3
  • Swap/Withdrawal/Deposit History for Bancor 3
  • Protocol Info Table for Bancor v3 (shown when all symbols are selected)
    - Total Master Vault Balance
    - Total Staked Balance
    - Total BNT Trading Liquidity
    - Total Surplus/Deficit
  • Pool Info Table for Bancor v3 (shown when all symbols are selected)
    - Master Vault Balance
    - Staked Balance
    - Surplus/Deficit in USD and %
    - Spot Rate in USD
    - Trading Fee
    - External Protection Vault Balance
    - BNT Funding Limit
    - BNT Trading Liquidity Limit
    - TKN Trading Liquidity
  • Bancor v3 Token List
    - Master Vault Balance
    - Staked Balance
    - Surplus/Deficit in USD and %
    - Spot Rate in BNT
    - EMA Rate in BNT
    - Trading Fee
  • BNT pool info for Bancor v3 (shown when BNT is selected)
    - Trading Fee
    - Master Vault Balance
    - Staked Balance
    - BNT Price
    - vBNT/BNT rate
    - BNT in the B3 Vortex Ledger
    - Token Supply of bnBNT
    - Protocol-owned bnBNT in bnBNT and %

The dashboard is currently under active development and more data will be added according to the roadmap.

How to navigate the dashboard

  1. On the right side of the dashboard, select the available metrics you want to display on the dashboard in the dropdown menu. You will see the first one “Daily Trading Liquidity” by default.
  2. In the next row, you could choose any specific token information or “(All)” to get total protocol metrics over time.
  3. Selecting a token also changes the “B3 Info” section, between Total Protocol Info when “(All)” is selected, BNT info table when “BNT” is selected, and Pool Info table when any tradable token on Bancor v3 is selected.
  4. The “Data Included” dropdown allows the user to select between Bancor v3, Bancor v2.1 or Bancor v3+Bancor v2.1 data. It currently only affects Volume and Fees shown over time, but more information for Bancor v2.1 will be made available over time.
  5. The options to display data in the last 7 days, 30 days, and 90 days can be chosen by pressing “7D”, “30D”, and “90D”, respectively, under the currently selected graph title.
  6. There is a desktop and phone version. The phone version does not show the B3 token list table. The remaining functionality is the same as the desktop version.
  7. Tableau supports full screen of the dashboard by clicking on the 3rd icon in the bottom right corner.
  8. Data can be downloaded in a .csv format by clicking on the 2nd icon in the bottom right corner, and selecting “Crosstab”. The data may also be downloaded in other formats such as .pdf, Image, Powerpoint, or Tableau’s Workbook format. Tableau Public is free and Tableau Desktop can be downloaded to open the latter.
  9. The Latest Updated Block is displayed. Information about when this block was generated can be obtained from Etherscan.

What’s next?

A roadmap for the next features on the dashboard can be found here

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