xNation.io Offers Self-Service Liquidity Pool Creation for any EOS Token

3 min readMar 23, 2020

xNation.io — built by EOS Nation — lets users launch and fund liquidity pools for any EOS token. The platform is coming soon to ETH (hence the name, x-Nation).

Liquidity pools are automated market-maker smart contracts that perform on-chain, peer-to-contract token trades and generate a fee from each trade.

They are valuable instruments for token projects to add instant liquidity to their token and for users to earn fees for providing liquidity to a token.

  • Once live, any user can stake their tokens in a liquidity pool in exchange for a share of its trading fees.
  • As more users add liquidity to the pool, it attracts more trade volume and generates fees from trading.
  • Users can always remove liquidity from the pool in order to realize gains.

GUIDE: How to Create & Fund EOS Liquidity Pools on xnation.io

With xNation, you can:

  • Create a pool with 2 reserve tokens (future versions will support pools with 3+ reserve tokens):
  • Set the pool’s liquidity provider fee to any number (up to 10%):
  • Fund pools with an equal value of both reserve tokens:

In the above example, the user creates a BNT/DAPP pool with an equal value of BNT & DAPP tokens. This pool can now:

  • Receive BNT & DAPP tokens from liquidity providers and mint BNTDPP Pool Tokens.
  • Generate fees from DAPP trades that increase the price of BNTDPP Pool Tokens.
  • Users can burn their BNTDPP to withdraw their liquidity and realize gains.

Pool Tokens are not risk-free assets. They can drop in price due to volatility in the trading pair. So long as accumulated trading fees are greater than any impermanent loss, the Pool Token holder profits.

Keep an eye out for xNation to support Ethereum pool creation & staking, ROI data for every pool on Bancor, & more!

Get Started: Visit xnation.io to Create or Fund an EOS liquidity pool

About Bancor

Bancor is an on-chain liquidity protocol that enables automated, decentralized exchange on Ethereum and across blockchains. The protocol is made up of a series of smart contracts designed to pool liquidity and perform peer-to-contract trades in a single transaction with no counterparty. Users add liquidity to automated market makers in exchange for trading fees, BNT staking rewards and voting rights in the Bancor DAO. Since 2017, Bancor has processed billions in trade volume across thousands of tokens, with millions in fees generated by liquidity providers.




The only DeFi trading and staking protocol with Single-Sided Liquidity